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Australian Government releases Australian Universities Accord final report

The Albanese Government has released the Australian Universities Accord final report which has 47 recommended reforms and targets to improve accessibility for individuals to higher education. The report also recognises a more seamless and integrated tertiary education system between the VET and higher education which will be required to meet projected workforce requirements. The report...


Future Skills Organisation releases initial workforce plan

The Future Skills Organisation’s Initial Workforce Plan reveals the growing demand for finance, technology, and business skills in Australia. The report highlights the demand for occupations with these skills, challenges faced due to shortages and priority actions to be taken across key themes of training suitability, digital capability cap, new technologies, pathways, and enhancing trainer...


Government announces new fee free training to assist women returning to the workforce.

The State Government has added six programs to the fee free course list for 2024 to assist women returning to the workforce or to progress to further study. Included in the 6 new fee free courses is the foundation skills program of NOW (New Opportunities for Women) As part of these fee free courses for...


Government introduces plans to overhaul the migration system

Proposed changes include bringing migration back down to sustainable, normal levels. The proposals include boosting productivity, meeting skills shortages and supporting exports, complementing the jobs, wages and conditions of domestic workers and preventing migrant worker exploitation, giving migrants the opportunity to invest in their lives in Australia through permanent residence and citizenship, building stronger economic and...


FSO releases report on generative AI in the workplace

As part of our consultation for the WA Jobs, Education and Training (WAJET) survey, our Industry Engagement Managers have found that AI is having an ever-increasing impact across all occupations, with generative AI being used significantly within financial, administrative and executive roles. FAPSTC was pleased to participate in a webinar where Future Skills Organisation (FSO)...


Western Australia’s regional communities receive investment to increase Traineeships

The WA government will invest $1.9 million to provide traineeships across 50 regional communities. Traineeships across information technology, business administration and marketing, amongst others, are part of this initiative. According to the media statement, Traineeships in business administration remain integral to upskilling the workforce. The Shire of Waroona, a grant recipient, will allocate funding towards...


Key reforms introduced to target coercive control

The WA government has taken further steps to address family and domestic violence and patterns of behaviours known as coercive control by introducing a range of systematic and legislative reforms in a phased approach. Actions being taken immediately include but are not limited to providing specific training on coercive control for police officers and other...


Brokers aim to increase financial literacy among clients

The Adviser reports that brokers are in a key position to educate their clients when making important financial decisions. They are taking a greater interest in upskilling their clients after research by NAB’s financial hardship survey revealed that many consumers self-report low financial literacy. Brokers have found that they can play an integral role in...


FAPSTC welcomes Renee Burns

FAPSTC is delighted to announce that Renee Burns has joined the team to work alongside Harpreet Kaur as an Industry Engagement Manager. Renee comes with many years of experience in the training sector and small business development in the personal services area. Renee lists as her greatest achievement her development of short courses for low-skilled...


ASIC opens Australian Banking Association code consultation

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has opened consultation on the Australian Banking Association’s (ABA) proposed changes to its Banking Code of Practice. This is the first time ASIC is undertaking a public consultation since approving the code in 2019.   ASIC is seeking to ensure that the code continues to provide real benefits to...