A new $30 million Western Australian Venture Capital (WAVC) Initiative has been launched to support locally-based starts-ups to scale up and create jobs for Western Australians. The initiative builds on the WA Venture Support (WAVES) program which helped three venture capital funds establish in WA to support local innovation. Investment through the ‘Fund of Funds’...
New regulations for long service leave for local government employees are now in effect. The changes aim to enhance clarity and provide certainty of worker entitlements including enabling worker entitlements to be moved from one local government organisation to another so that a worker’s previous service continues to count towards their long service leave entitlements....
A five-year review of Landgate’s Strata Titles Act 1985 will commence with the first round of consultations between 1-31 October 2024. The review will explore strata manager practices and standards, cost improvement controls in strata schemes, and strata living. The review aims to expand on the legislative improvements that have been introduced since 2020, to...
Stronger regulations governing the use of silica-containing products take effect on 1 September 2024. The regulations recognise bricks, concreate and tiles, are products other than engineered stone that produce a fine crystalline silica dust and has the potential to cause harmful exposure to workers when inhaled. Employers will assess the work that is being done...
A $1.9 million upgrade to the Kalgoorlie Career Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) station on Boulder Road is complete. The upgrades are to new facilities, extra study and storage areas with more works underway to a new training tower and road-crash rescue pad which is expected to be completed by mid-2025. The expanded facility will...
The Digital Industries Acceleration Strategy (WA: Digitally Evolved) will complement existing strategies including the Digital Strategy for the Western Australian Government 2021-2025 and the Digital Inclusion in WA Blueprint. Together, the suite of digital economy strategies will focus on Western Australia’s government digital transformation and community digital inclusion. The strategies, programs and existing initiatives with...
The refreshed 2024 Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy (WAIPS) launched by the Western Australian Government will focus on innovation, health and medical, digital technologies and environmental and/ or climate change. Since 2018 WAIPS has supported local businesses and industry to bid for State Government supply contracts. The refreshed 2024 WAIPS will continue to support local industry,...
A new $39 million South Metropolitan TAFE campus has opened in Armadale. The campus will offer training in Perth’s south-east with courses in business, childcare, community services, education support and IT. The campus will improve delivery of training initiatives such as the Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS) Program. The new building...
The RAC has won a contract to exclusive naming rights of the State’s emergency helicopters. The Emergency Rescue Helicopter Service is funded by the WA Government and managed by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). The emergency helicopters respond to calls for help 24 hours a day. The RAC, as part of the...
The Towards Fairness – a multicultural Australia for all report is available to the public. Informed by the Multicultural Framework Review, the report addresses multiculturalism in Australia. The importance of language, communication, skills in interpreting and translating are detailed from pages 81 to 85. Recommendations for policy improvement in this area are outlined on pages...