• Phone: (08) 9328 6372
  • U3/1 Sangiorgio Court, Osborne Park, WA 6017
Find your right career choice

Whether you are a jobseeker or whether you are looking to change careers or just starting into the workforce, determining the right career choice and understanding the pathway that leads to that career can be a great help. There are a number of available online resources that guide you in your endeavour.

Jobs & Skills WA is an online hub hosted by the Department of Training and Workforce Development that provides information that can help you research and plan your career journey. Information can be found on employment trends, occupations, Aboriginal services and more.


The National Careers Institute was established on 1 July 2019 to provide leadership in the delivery of high quality, evidence-based career development to enable Australians to make informed decisions about their learning, training and work pathways.  Information about the Institute, Grants Programs, Raising the Status of VET and other resources can be accessed through their website.

Case Study on Bookkeeping

FAPSTC sat down with the incredibly dynamic Sarah Triplett to talk all things Bookkeeping. The following is an excerpt from the interview, where Sarah talks about job fulfillment and why becoming a Bookkeeper is so important.