• Phone: (08) 9328 6372
  • U3/1 Sangiorgio Court, Osborne Park, WA 6017

Changes to legislation to affect businesses and employees from July

From 1 July 2024, businesses may be impacted by changes to the following legislation or policies: National minimum wage increase The national minimum wage will increase by 3.75% and will apply to employees full pay period starting on or after 1 July 2024. Super guarantee rate increase Employers will have to increase the super guarantee...


4-day work week in review

As reported in HR Leader, a hot topic in 2023 was a 4-day work week which many companies chose to trial. ESS Shipping introduced the 4-day week to eligible staff and followed the 100-80-100 model, effectively implementing a strategy in which workers receive 100 per cent of pay, for 80 per cent time at work...


Five generations in the workplace: Managing perceptions and challenges

A recent People at Work study by ADP has revealed that there are for the first time, five different generations in the workforce driving innovation and success at the workplace. The different characteristics of each generation are forcing HR leaders to examine and understand the differences between the generations while making use of their commonalities to ensure organisations...


HR practitioner explores emotional salary as key to retaining staff

According to Stephen Duncan, head of people at The Access Group, emotional salary is the area of business that keeps employees happy. Employees are increasingly seeking out organisations where they feel their work is making a difference and feel connected to the organisation. The generation of younger employees is driven by purpose and considers an...


2024 Centre for Transformative Work Design Conference

The Centre for Transformative Work Design’s inaugural conference, ‘Work Design for Success: Innovative Research and Leading-Edge Practice‘ will be held between 12-14 February 2024 in Perth. The 3-day event aims to inspire discussions around creating healthier, happier, and more productive workplaces. The 3-day event, designed for Human Resource Professionals and senior managers, will cover topics...


New appointment at the Department of Justice

The Minister for Corrective Services, Hon. Paul Papalia, announced the appointment of Brad Royce APM as the new Corrective Services Commissioner at the Western Australian Department of Justice. A major overhaul of the Department of Justice management structure is also underway, which will include the splitting of the Deputy Commissioner position for Women and Young...


The 4-day workweek in real estate

In WA’s real estate sector, the global trend of the 4-day work week has been implemented by the Albany-based office of First National Bairstow Kerr. This real estate business offers its office-based administrative and property management staff to work reduced hours over the course of the week, claiming that it has not compromised productivity. This...


Changes to Workplace Laws

Fair Work Ombudsman has published a roadmap that provides updated information and resources to help businesses navigate changes in Australian workplace laws. More information is available on the Fair Work Ombudsman website


Family and Domestic Violence Leave

As per the Fair Work Ombudsman, the National Employment Standards entitles employees (including part-time and casual employees) of small businesses to be entitled to 5 days of unpaid family and domestic violence leave each year. From 1 August 2023, employees of small business employers can take 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave....


Are you ready? Pay & Super changes effective 1 July 2023

There are certain changes about to take place that employers need to be prepared for, most significantly the National Minimum Wage and minimum Award wages will increase as of 1 July 2023. Of particular note for employers, is the Super Guarantee that will increase from 10.5% to 11% on 1 July 2023. The increases will...