The Public Safety Industry Reference Committee has commenced three new projects to address priority skill needs in Emergency Care, Emergency Management and Fire Services.
Emergency Care
This project will review and update five Units of Competency in response to changes in industry practice, health regulatory requirements and the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The units relate to the provision of emergency care by public safety personnel, pending the arrival of appropriately qualified personnel. This includes identifying need for emergency care, managing injuries, ensuring personal safety of the carer and casualty, assessing the casualty, implementing emergency care procedures, and working cooperatively with personnel from other organisations.
The PUA IRC is forming a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for this project. Industry expertise and insight are welcome to help review and update these Training Package products.
Please register your interest via the project page by close of business Wednesday 27 October 2021.
Emergency Management
This project is responding to identified gaps in the skills capability to build Australia’s disaster resilience. This includes the skills and knowledge to evaluate natural disasters impacts, manage emergency management centres, conduct emergency evacuations, as well as human factors in response and recovery activities.
Four new Units of Competency will be developed to address human factors during response and recovery activities, community evacuations and evacuation centre management.
The Certificate IV in Public Safety (Leadership) and 12 associated Units of Competency will be reviewed and updated to address essential skills and knowledge such as effective communications, teamwork, resource management, search and rescue coordination, risk management, fire investigation, and evidence gathering.
Fire Services
In response to the 2020 Bushfire Royal Commission recommendations relating to the interoperability of fire agency personnel and resources, this project will review and update three qualifications and 29 associated Units of Competency, and develop three new units for the following fire related job roles:
- Field Liaison Officer
- Liaison Officer (incident management)
- Jurisdictional Liaison Officer (state control centre)
The new units are being developed to enhance fire and emergency services capability, particularly in relation to resource sharing within and across jurisdictional boundaries.
Subject matter experts will be engaged to provide technical input into the Training Package development work.
Australian Industry Standards (AIS) will provide updates at key stages during the projects.
Further details on the background and project deliverables can be viewed on the AIS projects page.
For more information please contact:
Anna Jerrems, Industry Skills Specialist 0459 031 101
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