We are in the process of consulting with the WA industry regarding the establishment of a traineeship for the Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management and would love to hear from stakeholders in WA’s finance sector. We are seeking to understand the level of support for this proposal and if the traineeship is established, how many individuals are likely to be employed using this pathway.
How can you get involved?
– Survey
Our short survey (less than 10-minute) seeks to understand your opinions on the suitability of using this qualification as a formal traineeship that facilitates on-the-job learning and immersion in the relevant industry sector. Please feel free to share the link to the survey with your networks.
– Letters of support
We welcome letters of support, or opposition to, establishing the Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management as a traineeship for use in WA and the reasons why you support or oppose the proposed traineeship.
Ideally, letters should address the following points:
• How will a traineeship for this qualification improve professionalism in the sector?
The qualification is currently available to anyone to undertake, although they must do so in their own time outside of a formal employment-based training arrangement, so we would like to understand what the benefits will be from allowing someone to do this qualification on the job. It would be helpful if the letter outlined the benefits for the employer as well as the trainee.
• What are the risks for the industry of not establishing this traineeship?
What will the effects be if the only training pathway continues to be through a non-employment-based training contract?
• How likely would you be to employ a trainee undertaking the Diploma and if so, how many trainees will be employed?
We ask that letters of support be addressed to:
Office of the State Training Board, Locked Bag 16, Osborne Park DC 6916.
All letters should be sent to Tracey Farrow at tracey.farrow@fapstc.org.au for inclusion in the final report. Letters must be printed on your organisation’s letterhead and include the author’s original signature. The letter should be unique and written from the point of view of the author; proforma letters are not accepted.
The deadline for responses is Wednesday 14th September 2022.
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