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Stakeholder feedback has been considered and draft Training Package materials updated for the National Disaster Recovery Training Program project, including one new Qualification, 11 new Skill Sets and four new Units.

Draft products address the skills and knowledge for disaster recovery managers to operate effectively across recovery environments, complete long term recovery planning for a disaster event, applying recovery concepts and principles in addition to applying a person-centred approach to recovery planning and activities.

An additional six Skill Sets have been added for personnel who coordinate and lead the implementation of recovery functions at the local (impact) level including:

• PUASS00095Y Manage Recovery in a Control Centre – Planning
• PUASS00101Y Manage Recovery in a Control Centre – Data Management
• PUASS00102Y Manage Recovery in a Control Centre – Logistics
• PUASS00103Y Manage Recovery in a Control Centre – Public Information
• PUASS00104Y Manage Recovery in a Control Centre – Finance
• PUASS00105Y Manage Recovery in a Control Centre – Community Involvement

Feedback is invited to validate these draft materials and should be submitted by close of business Tuesday 31 May 2022.

Further information including draft training products and details of how feedback can be submitted can be found on the project page of the Australian Industry Standards website.

For more information please contact Anna Thomas on 9328 6372 anna.thomas@fapstc.org.au

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