We have been in consultation with the Surveying industry and training sector to determine the level of support for establishing the Certificate III in Surveying and Spatial Information Services as a traineeship in Western Australia. The CPP30221 Certificate III in Surveying and Spatial Information Services is currently available for classroom based delivery (institutional) but not as a traineeship pathway in WA.
The phosphate mine on Christmas Island (T/A Christmas Island Phosphate) has an ongoing requirement to train surveyors. Given the remoteness and uniqueness of the workplace, the objective is to develop a training program that will see trainees employed at the mine while undertaking their training.
The preference is to start the training process at the Certificate III level as this is deemed to align as the most appropriate level to meet the needs of an entry-level surveyor’s job role. The intention is to use the nationally accredited Certificate III in Surveying and Spatial Information Services (CPP30221) as it provides the skills required to perform a range of surveying duties such as collecting basic spatial data, providing field support services, simple drafting and map production.
Since this qualification applies to a range of industry contexts, it is important workers are enabled to apply their learning in a real-life work environment while still training. Using this qualification as part of a formal traineeship program will facilitate on-the-job learning and immersion in the relevant industry sector.
The process undertaken to establish a traineeship is overseen and endorsed by the State Training Board. Through this process, we have been tasked with determining the level of industry support or opposition towards establishing the qualification as a traineeship for use by any business across all relevant industry contexts in WA.
A short (5 minute) survey which has now closed helped us to understand employers’ opinions on the suitability of the proposed traineeship and addresses some of the conditions under which the traineeship might operate. Thank you to those who took the time to complete the survey or supplied letters of support. Your input is greatly appreciated.
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