Artibus Innovation, on behalf of the Property Services Industry Reference Committee, have advised that updates to the Diploma of Property (Agency Management) and draft units of competency, which are proposed as a specialist stream addition, are now available for industry validation.
The addition of a professional stream to the Diploma of Property (Agency Management) will provide already highly skilled practitioners with the opportunity to ensure that their knowledge and training stay current and in line with new developments in the field.
Feedback regarding this proposed addition is invited, including validation that the proposal addresses the skills and knowledge required for senior strata managers and strata agency principals.
Further information can be found on the Artibus website.
Feedback can be provided through an online survey or by letter of support to wendy@artibus.com.au
Please note, feedback is required by Monday 15 November 2021.
For more information, contact tracey.farrow@fapstc.org.au 9328 6372.
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