• Phone: (08) 9328 6372
  • U3/1 Sangiorgio Court, Osborne Park, WA 6017

Apprentice/trainee incentive options for employers

Employers looking to take on a trainee or apprentice can access a range of financial support from the Federal and State Governments.   Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment is extending the highly successful Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements (BAC) wage subsidy program to 31 March 2022. The BAC wage subsidy...


New Training and Licensing Requirements for Urban Pest Management

The Department of Health (WA) licenses and regulates pest management technicians and pest management businesses in Western Australia. Any person who wants to work in the pest management industry in Western Australia must obtain a pest management technician’s licence from the Department of Health. It is a breach of the Health (Pesticide) Regulations 2011 for...


Business Services (BSB) Draft Training Products

Skills for Australia has released Draft Training Products for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Governance, Cyber Security Awareness, and Organisational Disruption project in the Business Services (BSB) Training Package. Project documents including a Recommendations Report can be reviewed through their website under ‘Current Projects’. Feedback can be provided via Google Form or by contacting...


Financial Services Draft Training Products

Draft training products for Financial Planning and Superannuation in the Financial Services (FNS) Training Package are now available on the PWC Skills for Australia Website. Downloadable files containing the draft summary document, the changes that have been made and the best way to provide your comments can be found below. PWC Skills for Australia are...


Entries Now Open for The 2020 WA Training Awards

Applications for the 2020 WA Training Awards are now open.  Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery is encouraging the State’s top apprentices, trainees, employers and training organisations to apply by visiting their website. Award winners will be announced in September at the WA Training Awards Presentation Dinner.

Department of Training and Workforce Development, Updates

New Guide for School-Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships

The Department of Training and Workforce Development has released a new guide to WA school-based apprenticeships and traineeships. The new guide provides help and support for schools, registered training organisations (RTOs), employers, students, parents and other stakeholders needing information on SBAT. The guide is an online resource that can be downloaded or printed from the Department website.

Australian Skills Quality Authority, Updates

Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) New Website

The National regulator for Vocational Education and Training ASQA, have launched their new website as part of their commitment to provide easier access of information and tools.  Please visit the new site here.

Education Research, Updates

No Frills Conference 2020

The “No Frills” Conference is an annual national conference where researchers, practitioners, providers and industry representatives come together and share knowledge, ideas, insights and solutions around Australia’s VET sector. NCVER will be hosting this event in Perth between the 8 – 10 July 2020 in association with North Metropolitan TAFE.  The theme for this yeas’s conference...


Proposed Schedule of Work for Property Service Training Package

The Construction, Plumbing and Services IRC has appointed a technical advisory group (TAG) to review vocational education and training for building surveyors. The group has been working closely with their industry networks to review the CPP Training Package.  As a result a number of recommendations have been made: deletion of the graduate diploma limitations on building...