• Phone: (08) 9328 6372
  • U3/1 Sangiorgio Court, Osborne Park, WA 6017

New TAFE campus opens in Armadale

A new $39 million South Metropolitan TAFE campus has opened in Armadale. The campus will offer training in Perth’s south-east with courses in business, childcare, community services, education support and IT. The campus will improve delivery of training initiatives such as the Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS) Program.  The new building...


Appointment of new Federal Minister for Skills and Training

The Hon. Andrew Giles MP has been appointed as the Federal Minister for Skills and Training. He will replace Hon. Brendan O’Connor in this portfolio as a result of Minister O’Connor’s resignation from parliament. FAPSTC looks forward to working with Minister Giles and his team to advance skills and training more broadly in Western Australia....